Our team is here to answer your questions

If you need general information you can email us, call us, or use the form below

If you have a support request, please follow a few simple steps so we can help you quickly and efficiently

Before You Begin a Support Request

You can submit a new Service Request by sending an email to [email protected]. Be sure to include the following, if at all possible:

  • Summarize the problem in your email subject line.
  • Description of the problem in the body of your email.
  • Screenshot – Screenshots are helpful.
  • Time of error – we capture the error codes but need to ensure this was the error related to your specific issue.
  • Error message- If you get an error message, open it up and cut/paste it into your email.

You Can also submit the form below or call us

Phone support: 843.712.7129

Contact Info

Equilibrium Consulting
2573 Great Scott Drive
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579

Phone: 843.712.7129
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.connectmyPSA.com

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