I’m Pete Busam, founder of connectmyPSA and CEO/President of Equilibrium Consulting – an IT sales management and marketing company, since 2008. I bought ConnectWise to help manage Equilibrium and a short while later; we realized that we spent too much time processing data and needed to connect our clients to their external marketing tools. ConnectWise gave us access to a lot of sales management tools, but we needed a way to put data in a sales rep’s hands quickly and easy.
Since Equilibrium specializes in sales management and marketing – we decided to design an application that worked with ConnectWise to give us the connection we needed to popular packages such as Constant Contact or MailChimp — it needed to be a tool that was easy, required no infrastructure and close to real time.
We met with sales reps within our client base and through their feedback we found that getting leads from the website didn’t exist and getting marketing leads from eblasts took longer than desired and had negligible results due to stale information. So we hired an intern to do data entry and move data from one source to another, but again there was a delay and we just needed to move faster with the market.
What started out as a tool for our own use, quickly caught the interest of other ConnectWise, Constant Contact and MailChimp users. When they learned that a program existed that could simplify and improve their marketing and sales operations. In recognizing an industry need, we wanted to make this tool available to others and began the process of creating an easy to use end user interface with near real time data input that would enhance the ConnectWise experience for marketing to move data quickly.
I hope you will join us on the path as we continue to grow the connectmyPSA product for ConnectWise and other popular PSA’s
President/CEO Equilibrium Consulting